Check Out These 4 of the Best Instagram Meme Accounts for 2022

 Check Out These 4 of the Best Instagram Meme Accounts for 2022

Despite the fact that some so-called "serious" individuals mock them, memes are a vital component of contemporary social media. Whether you like it or not, there's a reason why your Instagram feed is flooded with images of lovely kids, hilarious cats, and inspirational phrases..

A meme is defined as "anything that many people communicate to one another on the internet, such as a video, picture, or phrase" in the Collins English dictionary. Even though it's a pretty broad term, memes fit nicely with it. The word's original meaning was more profound. The term "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins with the idea that a meme was an idea that was transmitted from one generation to another. Does that imply that you publish recordings of your clumsy pet in order to help younger generations?

You cannot ignore the significance of memes, even the more open-ended definition of them that we now use in social media. Memes are by definition popular. Important people circulate memes. You should distribute memes if you want your content to perform better. You should also incorporate some memes in your influencer marketing, with the possible exception of companies that focus on serious B2B.

Just a single word of caution. Internet memes typically feature irreverence and humour. As a result, many popular memes run the risk of offending certain people. This irreverence is frequently continued by Instagram users when They gave their Instagram meme accounts names. The following part of this article is titled "Best Instagram Meme Accounts:

One is @epicfunnypage

3. @sarcasm only. 4. @daquan. 2. @fuckjerry


Best Instagram Meme Accounts to Watch

1. @epicfunnypage



Followers: 16.6 million

@epicfunnypage is highly popular. It encourages people to follow for the funniest videos and memes. It makes a point of posting funny content multiple times per day.

At the time of writing, @epicfunnypage is set as a private account. That is not something to worry about. All you have to do is click on the blue Follow button, and before long they will give you access to their memes.

In fact, this appears to be one of 2018’s greatest Instagram trends. As the Atlantic writes, “More meme accounts are going private. Their owners say it’s a new way to gain followers on a crowded platform.” That article quotes Jack Wagner, a Los Angeles–based director, who says “People go private because they get more followers when a follower sends a post to their friends and that person has to follow the account in order to see. It’s that simple.”

@epicfunnypage publishes about 10 short video memes each day, with a particular focus on kids and animals doing something funny.

2. @fuckjerry



Followers: 16.1 million

@fuckjerry has been on Instagram since 2012. It focuses on a Millenial / Generation Z audience, and its posts contain plenty of pop culture references

relevant to those age groups.

The meme account has now grown into Jerry Media, which works with brands to create suitable sponsored content.

The team behind this account have even created a party game they have called What Do You Meme.

3. @sarcasm_only



Followers: 16.3 million

@Sarcasm_only, which is set as a private account, bluntly asks people to “follow me before I’m hot and famous.” It has a predominantly female audience, and its memes target typical problems women face in life. These can be anything from coping with poor hygiene to the stresses of daily living.

Their popularity has spread broader than just their Instagram account.  The fans of @sarcasm_only even set up Pinterest boards showing their favorite Instagram memes. That shows the cross-platform appeal of social media.

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16.6 million people follow the meme account @daquan, which was created in 2014 by Canadian-born Daquan Gesese. The majority of Daquan's memes refer to appropriate movies, TV shows, meals, and celebrities who are relevant to Millenials, as well as athletes, artists, and public personalities. The website makes the claim that it "posts the funniest content from throughout the web."


Some of Daquan Gesese's memes now reflect his new home in NYC, south of the Canadian border.

Category Specific Meme Accounts are on the Rise

As usage of meme accounts has increased, people have started to create specialised specialty meme websites. One illustration of a themed account is the @ladbible meme account from before.

Here, a delicate balance is required. Popularity is the key to a successful meme account. You need a lot of people to notice your meme posts in order to accomplish this. Going too specialised will severely segment your prospective audience. However, if you limit yourself to very wide categories, you can create a specialised meme account. It would be acceptable to have a fashion and beauty-related Instagram meme account. However, if you limited your memes to only women's winter apparel, you might find it difficult to acquire traction.

Some have established successful



